Sunday 9 May 2010

New album - the lighthouse

Ambient Anonymous - The Lighthouse

new chilled electronica album ;)


Sunday 14 March 2010

Magnetik9 - Tragedy & Hope

Mainly electronic/hip hop style, these are some of my first recordings remastered. Used a lot of samples of many truth speakers, mostly on the theme of the debt economy and banker bailout scams, as well as Kissinger, Bush and Brown calling for the new world order. Will have lots more music soon.

Tragedy & Hope 2010
Tragedy & Hope - bonus tracks/demos Download

Magnetik9 - Impossible Rooms

Magnetik9 - Impossible Rooms Download

Second electronica album from Magnetik9
Review from

"enjoyable soundscapes developing across a variety of provoking sounds...
The whole album gave a very thick warm sound for me, bathing me in sonic pleasures. It was great to hear all the twists and turns in there that make an album unique, your signature is definitely in every track."